


Bill Doss, 43 Olivia Tremor Control, Elephant 6 Founder 43-year-old Bill Doss, member of psy chedelic indie-rock band Olivia Tremor Control and co-founder of TheElephant 6 Recording Company, died July 30. Doss formed Olivia Tremor Control in 1988 with musicians Jeff Mangum and Will Cullen Hart. They were known for their albums that read as conceptual

Jon Lord, 71 Deep Purple Keyboardist

It would be any band’s dream to play to the mass of sixty thousand plus people that converge on Austin City Limits each year. The festivities go down in just a matter of weeks – October 12-14. Getting booked to play this festival is like reaching the peak of a crag after a grueling hike – it takes a several careful steps toget there. Since the festival’s birth in 2002, Austin City Limits has seen itself grow from a two day, thirty band event to an iconic showcase for stadium size acts like Pearl Jam, Dave Matthews, The Eagles, and this year’s headliners Red Hot Chili Peppers. The festival’s senior promoters have to spend less time convincing bands and representatives that the festival is worth playing and more time sifting through the thousands of submissions they get for the 130open time slots. That brings up another point that couldn’t be emphasized enough– play, play, play asmuch as you possibly can. Find your support base then leverage theopportunityto linkupwithamiddle-lineupACL How to Get Booked at Austin City Limits Advice for Getting Your BandNoticed by Tara Lacey photo by Paige Cavazos

Austin Press Outlets

JonLord,co-founderofBritishrockgroup Deep Purple, died July 16 of a pulmonary embolism at age 71. Lord was a talented rock organist, and co-wrote many of the group’s biggest hits, such as “Smoke on the Water,” “Child in Time” and “High wayStar.”DeepPurple isknownasoneof thefirst bands topopularize aheavymet


Austin TX 78765 (512) 454-5766 TEXAS MUSIC MAGAZINE P.O. Box 50273 Austin, TX 78763


band and tour. Festival promoter Amy Corbin with C3 Presents states that she spends as much time, if notmore, booking themiddle of the bill. She has the challengeofpleasinga fanbase thatpurchases their tickets blindly so she has developed a knack for pin ning the next big name just ahead of the curve. An in with another up-and-comer is a great way to get your foot in thedoor. ACLLive lends the AustinCity Limits its nam ing rights - a big reason the festival sawsuch a swift rise to fame. The festival promoters have always been careful to book acts within the long running television show’s eclectic feel. ACLLive features an opencall for artists.


musical soundscapes, an oddity in the ’90s rock era. The group released two records before Doss departed. Olivia Tremor Control recently reunited and played at thePitchforkMusicFestival inChicago.

al sound, particularlywith theirmost successful album, MachineHead . Later in his life, Lord performed in other bands such as Whitesnake, Paice, Ashton &Lord, andTheAtwoods.

AUSTIN MUSIC + ENTERTAINMENT (WEBZINE) 13581 Pond Springs Road, Suite 450 Austin, TX 78729 THE AUSTIN AMERICAN STATESMAN P.O. Box 670 305 S. Congress 78704 Austin, TX 78767-0670 (512) 445-3500

Mihaela Ursuleasa, 33 Romanian Pianist

Marvin Hamlisch, 68 Iconic Composer

Mihaela Ursuleasa died August 2 from a cerebral hemorrhage at age 33. Ur suleasa was a brilliant Romanian pia nist who, in her short 15-year career, had already made prestigious appear ances at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, in Birmingham with the city orchestra, and Wigmore Hall with the Belcea

Marvin Hamlisch died August 7 at age 68 after a brief illness. Hamlisch has won everymajor award inhis composing career, conducting and arranging music for Broadway and Hollywood alike with three Academy Awards, four Emmys, a Tony, and three Golden Globes (the elusive EGOT). His movie scores define

Send submissions to Terry Lickona c/o ACL Live 310 W. Willie Nelson Blvd. Austin, TX, 78701

Quartet. She flourished in solo performances, allowing her masterful re straint to dictate performances that quickly labeled her as a prodigy. Ur suleasa was known for her enthusiasmand sparkling personality that was reflected in her spirited playing.

iconic works such as The Sting, The Way We Were , and Ordinary People . On Broadway he composed for AChorus Line and Goodbye Girl amongmany oth ers. He was also a principal pops conductor for symphony orchestras all over theUnitedStates.

REPUBLIC OF AUSTIN (BLOG) 1108 Lavaca St Suite 110-448 Austin, TX 78701 (512) 761-6397

Jason Noble, 40 Pioneer of Post-Rock

Bob Babbitt, 74 Motown Bass Player


Art Outside Offers EDM Opps in Austin Unique Fest Highlights City’s Arts Culture

Guitarist Jason Noble passed away Au gust 4 at the age of 40 froma rare formof cancer called synovial sarcoma. Noble was a prominent member in the Louis ville, KY music scene, forming Rodan, Rachel’s, and Shipping News. Rodanwas one of the first bands to develop the genre of “post-rock” by avoiding the poppy side

Funk Brothers member and prominent Motown musician Bob Babbitt passed away July 16 at age 74. His bass can be heard in the iconic Gladys Knight and the Pips hit “Midnight Train toGeorgia” and Stevie Wonder’s “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” as well as in the music of other legends such as Smokey Robinson,

by Tara Lacey


COVERT CURIOSITY (BLOG) KUT (University of Texas at Austin) (512) 471-1631

of indie rock and swaying towards a more complex, rougher sound. Rachel’s was a stylistic departure from Rodan, creating lush instrumental pieces that blendedpost-rock and classicalmusic.

Marvin Gaye, the Temptations, and Barry Manilow. After leaving Motown, he recorded with Frank Sinatra and other popular musicians, eventually per forming onover 200Top40hits.


In recent years, electronic dance music (EDM) has seen a resurgence that has managed to perme ate pop culture. In amusical playground born from underground roots, the scene still lends itself to opportunities for DIY/indie artists to showcase their skills. One Austin-area festival celebrates art of all kinds–music isnoexception. Art Outside is a festival currently in its eighth year, creating a small, intimate, unique atmosphere. The overall experience is the priority for Warren McKinney, the festival’s founder, so the stage that the Art Outside team creates for all of its artists is one of whimsy, wonder, and exploration – and that auracarriesover to themusic. One of the best things about a festival that cel ebrates art in all its forms is that they are open to

Tony Sly, 41 Singer, No Use for a Name

Kitty Wells, 92 Country Legend

hearing yours and if they accept your application to play the stage, your performance will be a once in a lifetime experience. The lights, mood, stages - the whole package will set the mood for your audience. The community will welcome you and embrace your art form, just as they hope for you to embrace theirs. If you’re an aspiring electronic artist then opportunity exists within this Austin gem. Check out their website - they accept performer applica tions openly. Approach Art Outside with an open mind and a passion for your work, and see where it takes you.


NoUse for aName singerTonySlydiedat age 41 on July 31. Sly replaced JohnMey er as front man for the group in 1989 and went on to have a successful two-decade runwith the band. The group’smost suc cessful album, ¡Leche con Carne! , was re leased in 1995 on Fat Wreck Chords and featured the popular single “Soulmate.”

Known as the “Queen of Country Mu sic,”KittyWellspassedawayat age92on July 16. Born inNashville,Wells grewup performingon local radio. In1952she re corded “It Wasn’t God Who Made Hon ky Tonk Angels” with Decca Records, which quickly climbed the Billboard charts, allowing her to become the first

AUSTIN SOUND (WEBZINE) PO Box 4028 Austin TX 78765-4028

Sly was known for contributing his intense energy and passionate vocals. Most recently Sly released a handful of acoustic solo albums, including Sad Bear in2011.

female artist to top the Billboard country singles. Between 1952 and 1979, she appeared on the Billboard charts 81 times and was inducted into the Country MusicHall of Fame in 1976.

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