

Howdy, y’all! Chances are, you’re not going to make it big in the music business. Now, I say this not to bumyou out or to encourage you to put down your instrument. I say this because Performer is not here to fill your head with BS tales of how to strike it rich or how to become “the next big thing.” When I see those types of headlines gracing the pages of our Distinguished Competitors, I cringe. “Become a Music Industry Mogul,” one article exclaimed. “How to Make It Big in the Music Business,” screamed another. Nonsense. There are a handful of actual moguls left, and I can unequivocally guarantee that none of them got there by reading an article or following a step-by-step roadmap to success. Truth is (and you already know this), there are only a handful of spots at the top of the game. The U2s of the world. The Madonnas. The Taylor Swifts. If anyone could get there by just following a few simple directions they ripped from a magazine, then everyone would be a star. They aren’t.

Volume 22, Issue 9

The people we cater to, the true artists , are the ones out there on the road, in the studios, making music their day job. Making it their living. Success, as far as I’mconcerned, is doingwhat you love, full time, for as long as you can. And for our readers, and the musicians we write about, that’s the true measure of a career. So you won’t find ink wasted between our covers on bogus articles, written by people who never made it big themselves, telling you how to become a mega-star. Instead, you’ll find interviews with DIY musicians on their craft. Top picks for great new music we’ve discovered. Practical tips you can actually use in your career: studio tricks, unique packaging ideas, DIY promo articles for you and your band, legal advice and the straight dope on new gear. We can’t (and won’t) ever waste your time by promising you’ll make it big. But stick with us, and I can guarantee that you’ll find truly useful info, written by fellow artists and creative professionals who know a thing or two about what they’re talking about.

24Dane St., Suite 3 Somerville,MA02143 Phone: 617-627-9200 - Fax: 617-627-9930

PUBLISHER WilliamHouse -

EDITOR BenjaminRicci -



CONTRIBUTING WRITERS AdamBarnosky, AndrewFersch, BenMarazzi, BenjaminRicci, BethAnnDowney, BradHardisty, Brent Godin, CandaceMcDuffie, ChrisDevine, Christopher Petro, EricWolff, Heidi Schmitt, JacquinnWilliams, JasonAshcraft, JodyAmable, JuliaDeStefano, JulieCerick, LucyFernandes, M.C. Rhodes, Pete Lyman, SamanthaWard, ShawnMHaney, TanyaFuller, TaraLacey, TaylorHaag, VanessaBennett, WarrenMcQuiston, ZacCataldo, Zack Sulsky CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Angel Ceballos, BenAqua, BradHardisty, Brian Jenkins, DarshanaBorah, GeoffMoore, JaredManzo, JasonThrasher, JoeNiem, Jonat hunder, JulieCerick, KateEldridge LaurenMangini,Marius Bugge, NikkoLamere, PaigeCavazos, Patty Scott Smith, RichardBattye, RickCarroll, SeanGlombowski, StefanKlapko, StephanRidgway, Steve Lyon, Svadilfari, TanyaFuller, VanessaBennett, ZacCataldo

-Benjamin Ricci Editor P.S. – Tune in next monthwhenwe give you the inside scoop on becoming a YouTube sensation!



ABOUT US Performer Magazine , a nationally distributed musician’s trade publication, focuses on independent musicians, those unsigned and on small labels, and their success in a DIY environment. We’re dedicated to promoting lesser-known talent and being the first to in troduce you to artists you should know about. MUSIC SUBMISSIONS We listen to everything that comes into the office. We prefer physical CDs, cassettes and vinyl over downloads. If you do not have a physical copy, send download links to . No attachments, please. Send CDs to: PerformerMagazine Attn: Reviews 24 Dane St. Somerville, MA 02143

EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS In the words of our esteemed forefathers at CREEM : “This is just to say we want you. That should’ve been obvious all along, of course, but just in case it wasn’t here’s the deal: NOBODYWHOWRITES FOR THIS RAG’S GOT ANYTHING YOUAIN’T GOT , at least in the way of credentials. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be sending us your stuff: reviews, features, pho tos, recording tips, DIY advice or whatever else you have in mind that might be interest ing to our readers: independent and DIY mu sicians. Who else do ya knowwho’ll publish you? We really will...ask any of our dozens of satisfied customers. Just bop it along to us to and see what comes back your way. There’s really no such thing as an ‘unsolicited submission,’ you know, and if you have eyes to be in print, this just might be the place. Whaddya got to lose?Whaddya got? ”

ADVERTISING SALES KathleenMackay - DeborahRice -

© 2012 by Performer Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any method whatsoever without the written permission of the publisher. The maga zine accepts no responsibility for unsolicited record ings, manuscripts, artwork or photographs and will not return such materials unless requested and accompanied by a SASE.

Annual Subscription Rate is $30 in the U.S.; $45 outside the U.S.


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