Feb 1 newspaper standard
Time for the tower Imagines of local tourist attractions Vibrant images of local tourist attractions and some of our local wildlife will adorn the top of the Yarram Water Tower.
THE artist who created the towns 24 existing murals, Heesco Khosnaran, says he can’t wait to come and paint the tower. “It’s been a long time coming so it’s great that we’re finally able to do it. I am keen to play my part and get it all done.” The painting of artwork on the Water Tow er has been on the cards since 2018 when South Gippsland Water’s Management gave in-principal support to the Tarra Tourism As sociation to investigate painting a mural on the tower. Five years down the track, and with the success of Yarram’s ‘Heesco Town’ murals, they (Tarra Tourism Association) have hand ed over the water tower project to the ‘The Friends of Heesco Town’. South Gippsland Water was keen that it should be Heesco Khosnaran who would paint the tower, on the proviso that they as the structure/building owner would have final sign off on the design to be executed. This model has been used for all 24 Hees co Town murals and is seen as integral to the success of the project to date. The Friends of Heesco Town listened to many community members about what should be painted on the tower, and it quickly became clear that GUNAIKURNAI, the tradi tional owners of Gippsland, as recognised by the State and Federal Governments, should
sion of ‘Sitting on Country’ where she feels ‘at home’ and ‘connected’. “The five shields along the top represent the five tribes of the GUNAIKURNAI. They’re all connected, you can’t break up the mob. The designs are relevant today because the GUNAIKURNAI hold native title as custodians of our Country. Our shield designs are coming out more and more in community artwork as people feel proud and safer to promote GU NAIKURNAI culture” Sandra said. The Wellington Shire is now working with The Friends of Heesco Town to develop a car park on their own piece of land which sits ad jacent to the Tower, to allow vehicles to park safely and for visitors to have a great viewing space to photograph the finished mural. A further development is also being dis cussed which is to include comprehensive interpretive signage that clearly explains the various tourist hotspots in the area (which are featured on the tower) and the meanings and stories behind many of the Aboriginal images seen on the tower. Once the tower is finished, Sandra will continue her involvement as a consultant, as sisting with a Welcome to Country ceremony, dancing, and formal acknowledgements at the conclusion of the painting by Heesco. The Friends of Heesco Town team are keen to formally recognise all those who con tribute with the thought that names could be featured on a plaque at the base of the tower or be included in the proposed Interpretive Signage. The Friends of Heesco committee meet with local residents of Carpenter Street on Sunday to show them the designs and outline work going forward. “I invite the community to join me in fund ing the Water Tower Art Project so that it be comes an integral part of our town, something everyone can enjoy and be proud of,” Eric said. Those wishing to contribute can do so at our GoFundMe page www.gofundme.com/f/ yarramwatertower or contact Kevin Mackin (Fund Raising – FOHT) email kevin.mackin@ gmx.com phone 0458 222 673 or you can simply talk to Eric directly on 0428 851 375.
“I thought the top of the Tower should be very colourful so it can be seen from a dis tance as you approach Yarram from South or North.” Eric said. “There are a growing number of Street Art and Silo Art followers in Australia and around the world, and Yarram features as a ‘must see’ destination for these folk. We don’t have a silo, but we have a water tower, and this tower is going to be the ‘icing on the cake’ for the Yar ram Heesco Town Trail.” Once the top design was signed off by South Gippsland Water, Wayne then reached out to the local GUNAIKURNAI communities who he has had a close working relationship with for more than a decade. “Sandra Patten, a GUNAIKURNAI Tradi tional Owner was an obvious choice. Sandra is an acknowledged GUNAI Senior Elder living in Lakes Entrance,” Wayne said. “Since 2002 she has been involved in the GUNAIKURNAI Native Title process and has represented the GUNAIKURNAI process with State Government, GUNAIKURNAI joint management committee processes and busi ness. She has also been a Director and Chair person on the GUNAIKURNAI board”. Sandra said that when she was first asked to consult on a design for the bottom part of the South Gippsland Water Tower, she had im mediately thought of hands reaching up the tower. “I thought this would look good visual ly but more importantly it took me back to 1999 when I travelled around Australia with a group of 300 people from NSW promoting reconciliation for Australians. Hundreds of sculpture hands in the colours of the Aborig inal and Torres Strait Islander flags, each one carrying one signature, were installed in front of Parliament House in Canberra in October 1997, in what was then the largest public art installation in Australia. So, hands reaching up forms a great image central to the overall design.” The final design is a colourful and mean ingful image filled with rich imagery and em bedded stories and symbols. Sandra sees the design as a visual expres
be featured in the overall design along with local tourism hotspots. Eric wanted the tower to promote what’s on offer in the region, support First Nations recognition and reconciliation, help with the creation of local jobs and add value to the al ready famous Heesco Town project. Painting of the tower is due to start in late February 2023, and in preparation South Gippsland Water engaged contractors, Uni versal Blasting, to undertake repairs and maintenance of the tower. The repairs involve pressure washing and removal of any loose or degraded concrete, concrete repair and painting the tower with an acrylic weather protectant coating. “These works were a necessity regard less of the mural project; however, we looked to time our repairs so that mural painting can follow straight after,” South Gippsland Water’s Managing Director, Robert Murphy said. “Whilst funding of the mural is being done by the Friends of Heesco Town, South Gipps land Water is providing in-kind support and ensuring the tower is in good condition to re ceive a new paint job,” he said. The designs for the tower have been de veloped in two parts. Top and base. For the top part of the tower, Wayne Tindall (who de signed most of the current Heesco Town mu rals) worked closely with Eric Greenaway and others to identify key local tourism hotspots that could be featured.
Paul Frost (FOHT), Paresh Modi (South Gippsland Water), Heesco Khosnaran FOHT/Artist, Amy Van Kuyk (South Gippsland Water), Kevin Mackin (FOHT) and Ben Smith (Contractor) during planning meeting for Water Tower Mural.
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