Wine Advisor February 2016
Cheers to 70 years of wine and friendship Turning 70 isn’t just about celebrating our milestone bir thday. It’s about acknowledging our suppliers and the relationships we have formed over the years. Margan “The genesis of the Margan brand has
Society Premium Selection 0IGSR½IPH 'EFIVRIX 7EYZMKRSR Coonawarra, SA
8LIVI EVI GSQTPI\ PE]IVW SJ VMGL GEWWMW ERH HEVO FIVV] JVYMX PSRK ½RI XERRMRW and a combination of French and American oak, all leading to a long, smooth and [IPP FEPERGIH ½RMWL 'IPPEV YT XS Code 28848 14.0% alc/vol $15.99 per bottle
C h e e r s t o a l l w i n e l o v e r s ! 1946-2016
Society Premium Selection 0IGSR½IPH 7LMVE^ McLaren Vale, SA
9T JVSRX XLIVI EVI ¾EZSYVW SJ GVYWLIH VEWTFIVV] ERH TPYQ [MXL LMRXW SJ ZERMPPE and chocolate.The creamy textured mid-palate displays soft tannins, leading to a PSZIP] PSRK ½RMWL 'IPPEV YT XS Code 28849 14.0% alc/vol $15.99 per bottle
historically been based around relationships formed with people and companies like TheWine Society. It’s been a pleasure and a fantastic opportunity working with TheWine Society who, with its beloved members, has allowed us to sell high quality drops to wine lovers,” Andrew Margan
7ITTIPXW½IPH Society Premium Selection 7ITTIPXW½IPH +VERH 8E[R] South Australia
Society Premium Selection MarganVerdelho 2015 Hunter Valley, NSW The 2015 Verdelho exhibits a
Society Premium Selection Margan Botrytis Semillon 2012 (375ml) Hunter Valley, NSW Typical botrytis characters of marmalade, honey and dried fruits are supported by a strong acid backbone that gives balance and length. A perfect match with cheese, walnuts and dried fruits. Cellar up to 2020. Code 28139 8.0% alc/vol $16.99 per bottle
“On the nose, aromas of almonds, nougat and a hint of caramel are evident.The TEPEXI MW FEPERGIH [MXL KVIEX PIRKXL ERH ¾EZSYVW SJ FYXXIVWGSXGL ERH RYXQIK 8LMW MW E [SRHIVJYP I\EQTPI SJ E WX]PMWL +VERH8E[R] ERH E ½RI EHHMXMSR XS XLI (MVIGXSV´W Selection range of wines,” *MSRE (SREPH 7ITTIPXW½IPH 7IRMSV;MRIQEOIV Cellar up to 2025. Code 30001 20.5% alc/vol $34.99 per bottle
bouquet of green apple and stone fruits with a hint of spice, followed by notes of passionfruit, guava and pineapple on the palate. Superbly FEPERGIH [MXL E GVMWT ERH GPIER ½RMWL Cellar up to 2018. Code ITM1433 13.5% alc/vol $14.99 per bottle
8]VVIPP´W “Tyrrell’s has worked with TheWine Society for as long as I can remember, from when it was the only real direct-to-consumer retailer in the wine industry.The people at TheWine Society share our ideals of providing quality wine at a reasonable price to consumers on a regular basis. Long may our relationship remain,” &VYGI 8]VVIPP
+PEIX^IV “I have had a relationship withTheWine Society for more than 15 years. I appreciate the passion and willingness of the people at TheWine Society to work with the Barons of the Barossa XS ½RH I\GMXMRK [MRIW XLEX EVI SYXWMHI XLI traditional mass market trends and guidelines,” 'SPMR +PEIX^IV
Society Directors’ Selection Special OldVines Shiraz 2012 Barossa Valley, SA
Society Premium Selection 8]VVIPP´W 7IQMPPSR Hunter Valley, NSW
Crafted by Barossa Baron Colin Glaetzer exclusively for TheWine Society, this I\UYMWMXI 7LMVE^ HMWTPE]W KVIEX HITXL ERH PIRKXL SJ ¾EZSYV -X ½PPW XLI QSYXL [MXL rich and concentrated liquorice, blackcurrant, cherry and spicy oak characters. Cellar up to 2020. Code 28383 14.5% alc/vol $26.99 per bottle
*PSVEP EVSQEW ERH WSJX PIQSR GMXVYW ¾EZSYVW SR XLI TEPEXI EVI XLI LEPPQEVOW SJ XLMW GPEWWMG ,YRXIV 7IQMPPSR % PMKLX JVIWL WXVYGXYVI ERH GPIERWMRK ½RMWL QEOI MX E great alternative to Sauvignon Blanc or Riesling. Cellar up to 2020. Code 29259 12.5% alc/vol $14.99 per bottle
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