Super Duper Molly Cooper
Take one awesome steampunk heroine... Add one magical island that time forgot... Sprinkle on one whole heap of adorably weird and wonderful animals... and you’ve got yourself...
WE'VE GOT: SUPER – 11 minute animated episodes for 2 – 6-year-old’s with thrills, spills, twisty tales and big laughs on the fantastical Wonder Island. DUPER – Kindness and helping others by using some seriously inspiring imagination andDIY engineering. MOLLY COOPER – The loveable heroine with big ideas and an even bigger heart! Molly’s not just adreamer, she’s adoer. She takes everyday things and upcycles them into fantabulous inventions andt magnificent contraptions – all to make the world around her a better and way more exciting place. It's nurture in nature. It's SUPER DUPER MOLLY COOPER!
WONDERING ABOUT WONDER ISLAND? S omewhere, far away in the remote regions of the South Pacific, is a tropical island. It’s a land that time forgot. It’s so far away and so remote no one even knows it’s there. T hat is, apart from its unique inhabitants – animals that might look a lot like animals we know – but they’ve evolved a lot differently. Here, they think! They talk! And boy, have they got a lot to say! • Mischievous monkeys with mood-changing antenna! • Star-covered cheetahs with more attitude than spots! • Giant sloths who are so kind, their hearts literally glow! • Plus, color changing birds! Bunny-eared kangaroos, Honking-horn rhinos, sweet smelling skunks and much, much more. A nd right in the middle of all these fantastical creatures is the most fantastical, most unlikely creature of all... A LITTLE GIRL. We’ve got:
BUT NOT JUST ANY LITTLE GIRL - THIS IS MOLLY COOPER! A nd she is one special eight-year-old. An explorer! A builder! An artist! A dancer! And the best chicken impersonator you will ever see. Guaranteed. M olly’s truly one of a kind and that’s how she came to be the first human to ever find the legendary Wonder Island, thanks to her homemade flying machine. And the second human to find it was her little brother and stowaway, Mikey. They spend a lot of time on their secret island - checking in with their wild friends or because the islanders have summoned Molly for help using her patented signaling device that forms a uniquely colored rainbow that glows over the island. M olly’s kind of a big deal on Wonder Island. Sure, she’s not as strong or fast as the resident animals and she doesn’t eat bugs. But she can build things. And she’s great at it. Even more importantly, she’s got a huge heart. If someone needs help, Molly’s always on hand to turn forgotten items into functioning gadgets as she invents her way into solving the problem. S he’ll take anything, whether it be washed ashore or brought from home - old tires, a tennis racket, gears, widgets, a Walkman, roller blades…and turn the old into new. Thanks to Molly, dolphins can walk on land and sloths can go 0-60mph in under four seconds. E very day is amazing for Molly, full of fantastic new discoveries and new friends to help with ingenious creations. And to give hugs. Molly gives great hugs.
M olly might be only eight, but she’s already a seasoned adventurer. Embodying our show with her spirit and optimism, she has a truly kind heart and tireless determination. An engineering whiz. She’s a creative, out-of-the-box thinker, and her steampunk- style designs are always functional, fantastical, and fun. There’s nothing Molly can’t make. Her motto is "THINK IT, PLAN IT, BUILD IT!" MOLLY COOPER
M olly’s island headquarters is a quirky, sprawling, treehouse complex that she built herself. There’s a warehouse of spare parts and unusual finds, a laboratory and a bungalow living area, a large building and design area. Altogether, it’s a space full of wild inventions we’d all love to have at home. But it’s not just at HQ Molly shows her flair. She also has the coolest – and only – vehicles on the island. An all-terrain buggy, her flying machine, and an amphibious submarine, which she uses to discover, study, and help new creatures. She’s even invented a walking chair to explore the vast, wondrous island. M olly loves nothing more than helping her friends. She loves helping so much, she even loves helping her “enemies”. That’s because what truly makes Molly exceptional isn’t her maker skills, it’s her natural kindness, generosity, empathy and sympathetic ear. Plus, as smart as Molly is, it usually takes a few tries to get a design “just right”, and that’s okay. Molly has learned that invention is a series of trials and errors. She forgives herself and others for any mistakes, because she knows mistakes happen – and on the bright side, they usually help you figure out the right way to do something.
MIKEY A dorable five-year-old Mikey idolizes his big sister Molly, and wants to be an inventor just like her when he grows up! He’s declared himself her official inventing assistant, and is always eager to help her out... a little too eager at times. His enthusiasm can make him leap before he looks. M ikey incessantly asks his big sister questions about what she’s doing, why is she doing it and how is she doing it. Thankfully Molly is patient and can pass on tips on how to be kind and help others as well as inventing. Mikey is fearless when trouble arises. NO ONE messes with his sister, Molly!
RAZZLE, THE WONDER BIRD R azzle is a flashy, flamboyant bird with extremely bright plumage that changes color according to her mood. Razzle’s aerial skills can come in handy if Molly needs to find a rare washed-up part on a remote windswept beach, too dangerous for Molly to navigate with her flying machine. She’s a real dare-devil – but she always looks good doing it! Sometimes a bit over-ambitious or self-involved, thankfully she has Molly on hand to bring her back down to ground.
BOBO, THE WONDER MONKEY B obo’s a happy-go-lucky monkey and non-stop bundle of energy, he’s always in motion! His acrobatic finesse often comes in handy when tackling problems, even while his joker personality invariably creates them. Bobo is the most likely to inadvertently mess up a plan – but he’s so charming and so well-meaning, we’ll always forgive him.
WILLARD, THE WONDER SLOTH W illard is the oldest (and wisest) creature on Wonder Island. He’s a calm and cuddly giantsloth. When we say giant, we mean it – he’s the size of a baby elephant. Which is a problem sometimes, as he’s also very clumsy. A big softy with an equally big sense of humor, he’s the perfect comedic foil. Willard is also full of Wonder Island wisdom. He can lead you to the tastiest fruit, show you the prettiest hidden grotto, and he knows all the island’s quickest shortcuts. But, he’ll do it all veeeeery slooooooowly. Because, well... he’s a sloth.
H ave we got roos for you! Earma is a kangaroo – but Wonder Island style. An exceptional hopper with Mama Bear tenacity – if you need something high up, Earma’s your gal. She also has long “bunny” ears she uses in all manner of imaginative ways, but they also trip her up. And when they do, count on Molly to invent something to help her. Earma’s son Hopsley is only two and at the stage where he’s an emotional rollercoaster. He’s adorable. And funny. And a handful.
STomp, THE WONDER RHINO Y ou’ll always notice when Stomp the Rhino is about. Partly because he’s a rhino, partly because he’s a very musical one. His horn is a horn, literally – and he can’t seem to stop himself expressing his emotions through tune. Stomp is super strong... but he’s NOT super smart, meaning Star can boss him around – though he often makes more trouble by misunderstanding her instructions.
STAR, THE WONDER CHEETAH S tar fancies herself a star. She’s a selfish, egotistical diva with a high opinion of herself who’s always cooking up somewhat nefarious schemes. Actually, she’s extremely lazy – and relies on her toady, Stomp the Rhino, to do anything that looks like hard work. Plus, she gets to boss him around and Star loves bossing others around. Star remains suspicious of this strange human, Molly, but that doesn’t stop her creating lots of trouble and problems for her and everyone else.
We have a strong and sustainable format for every episode that reassures viewers they can expect all their favorite elements of the show, every time. We always begin with… MOLLY AT HOME Molly’s at her beachside home. She might be tinkering in her room, or testing an invention on the beach, or coming up with a new design before setting off (or being summoned to) Wonder Island. JOURNEY TO THE ISLAND: Molly sets off in her flying machine, launched from her very own backyard beach. Sometimes Mikey joins her, and sometimes he secretly stows himself away. She always brings with her some found item from home, which she adds to her collection of gadgets and gizmos on the island. As she soars toward Wonder Island, Molly sings a call-to-adventure song. ARRIVAL: Molly lands at the airstrip outside her island headquarters – ready to start her next adventure! ISLAND FUN: A fun, quick silly beat with her island friends. Maybe Molly can hear Bobo but can’t see him – cue: a quick game of hide-and-seek. Or maybe Hopsley greets her so enthusiastically he bowls her right over.
PROBLEM: Molly finds out about the new problem it’ll be her job to solve – and one thing we can
count on, is Molly’s kindness will lead the way. On the flip side, Star and Stomp might just be behind the problem. Or, just as likely, it will have just emerged from the craziness of island life and the natural world surrounding them. THE ADVENTURE: Solving the problem invariably leads to an adventure, as Molly travels to a new area of the island, meets a new creature, learns a new skill, deals with strange new terrain, etc. Molly’s first attempts to solve the problem don’t work, or lead to new problems. But that’s okay – the secret is to not give up. As Molly will remind us with an upbeat song about “trying again” – she knows mistakes are a good thing, because they help you figure out the solution! Which is exactly what happens next… INVENTION TIME: You got it! Molly dreams up an invention that’s finally able to solve the problem and save the day. Together, they build the device and their hard work pays off. MOLLY SOLVES THE PROBLEM: Molly puts the invention to use. It’s often a big action-and- adventure-filled moment, but we never forget why Molly is on a mission – it’s always to spread kindness and help others. Molly says farewell to her Wonder Island friends, but it won’t be for long. Tomorrow there’ll be a new problem to solve. And in the meantime, her grateful friends gift her some reminder of the adventure to bring back home.
THE SETTING W onder Island is a vast, magical place, an entire world unto itself, full of wonderful and wacky creatures. R emnants of everyday artifacts from around the world litter the shoreline, inspiring Molly to re-imagine, re-purpose and re-invent. The island is a treasure trove for our ultimate recycler – threading an organic environmental core through the show. T he island also hosts every geography and climate imaginable, from arid deserts to snow-capped peaks to lush rainforests and teeming tropical reefs. Molly’s home base is in the jungle, and her core group of friends (and a few antagonists) live right nearby. It’s the perfect starting point for Molly and the viewers to explore all the wonders of the world encapsulated in one magical land.
TONE W ith its unique setting and one-of-a-kind characters, the series has a wondrous, fantastical feel to it. Anything can happen on Wonder Island and usually does! Full of heart and positive messaging centering on Molly’s kindness and can-do spirit – it’s an expansive world offering a wealth of stories and all told with adventure and humor. What’s more, it’s a place we’ll want to spend time, a soft-place to land that’s the best sort of escapism kids want to stimulate their imaginations. MUSIC G et ready to get up and dance – because we have music. Lots of music! And with building at the heart of the series, we want to extend this through a percussive musical palette with instrumentation inspired by the show’s steampunk aesthetic. E ach episode features an original song that moves the story forward, while driving the action or bolstering an emotional moment. Plus, Molly and friends will sing their “try again” song throughout every episode, inspiring our audience to ... "THINK IT, PLAN IT, BUILD IT!"
THE PINK PUFFERWUZZLE A rare giant Pink Pufferwuzzle bird is blown by a fierce windstorm to Molly’s treehouse. Now she needs help to return to her desert home – and she needs it fast – because she’s about to lay an egg and welcome a new Pink Pufferwuzzle to the world! But with the storm still raging, Molly’s only option is to prepare a Pufferwuzzle maternity nest right then and there. No easy task – Pufferwuzzles eat food and do things in a way as rare as they are! RIVER RUSTLERS Molly and Mikey are boating on the Wonder River when it suddenly starts drying up! Molly must unravel the mystery fast before the many water creatures end up stranded. Turns out Stomp has dammed the river with giant rocks to make a spa pool for Star and they’re not budging. No problem! Molly builds a submergible robot to remove the boulders and free the river. But taking pity, she doesn’t leave before creating a tiny pool-like inlet for them to frolic in instead. BOBOS NO-NO Bobo plays a practical joke, pretending that the jungle is haunted. Molly figures it’s a prank, but by then, her panicked island friends have all run away, all the way up the side of the volcano, causing a rockslide. Now they’re trapped on a high ledge – meaning Molly will have to McGuyver a very special rescue vehicle for extremely tricky terrain.
FLICKS FIRST FLIGHT It’s the day of the Dragonfly Drag Race, a high-speed race around the lagoon for all the island’s dragonflies. So exciting…apart from a dragonfly called Flick whom Molly and Mikey befriend. Flick’s got a stub for a tail meaning he can’t fly and he can’t participate. Or at least, he couldn’t… Because Molly invents the perfect solution – a prosthetic tail. Flick might not win the race – but for him – it’s the taking part that really does count. FRUIT SLEUTH The most delicious fruit ever is blossoming on Wonder Island... strawnanas! They’re half- banana, half-strawberries Molly discovers Wonder Island not only has unique fauna – it’s got some unique flora too. Strawnanas are half-banana, half-strawberries – meaning they’re a taste sensation everyone on Wonder Island loves. That’s if you can find them. They’re rare and hard to harvest. Plus, you might just have to stop Stomp and Star from eating them all so everyone else gets their share… THE GOO-CANO Wise Willard warns Molly that the giant goo volcano on the island is about to erupt – and with Razzle and her bird friends nesting on the ledges of the goo-cano, their homes are in peril. Molly knows there must be a way to stop it. And that way might just be inspired by the whipped cream machine she built to cool off her hot cocoa. But there’s a big difference in scale. Can Molly figure out how to not just build the big device, but launch it high into the volcano in time…?
FLYING MIKEY Molly’s flying machine is sputtering and she reckons it’s time for a tune-up. While she tinkers, Mikey sneaks into the pilot’s seat and pretends he’s flying, just like his big sister Vroom vroom then – ARGH – he accidentally pushes the ejector seat and now he’s airborne! But not for long, as he lands at the top of the island’s tallest tree. It’s down to Molly to invent not only a safe way for Mikey to get down – but one that’s so irrestibily fun, he can conquer his nerves. THE FREAKY FOREST When Mikey and Hopsley end up lost in the Freaky Forest after chasing after a pretty butterfly. Molly and her friends will have to turn trackers. But with a forest as weird as this one – it will need some even stranger tactics from out-of-the-box thinker, Molly, to find some very grateful lost boys.
THE FABULOUS DOLPHINA! Earma and Hopsley take Molly and Mikey to watch a show by Wonder Island’s very own Fabulous Dolphina - a multi-talented, multi-colored dolphin. Only the star doesn’t arrive- leaving Molly and the gang to go on an underwater dolphin search in Molly’s
S uper Duper Molly Cooper provides preschoolers and their families a wide range of opportunities to engage with the story universe beyond the show. Viewers can extend their love for Molly, Mikey, and their world by engaging in tinkering, making, and nurturing play that’s inherent to the narratives of each episode. From digital applications to STEM-based toys to at-home project inspiration, our viewers and their families can choose from an attractive buffet of options to fully immerse themselves in Super Duper Molly Cooper.
CONTACT: Paula Rosenthal, EVP Creative Silvergate Media 236 West 30th Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10001
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